Dark Side Of Chatbots: Safeguarding Against Malicious Activity

9 May 2024

The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) presents both incredible opportunities and significant challenges – among the latest concerns is the misuse of AI-driven chatbots for malicious activities. While AI chatbots like OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Meta AI, and Anthropic’s Claude promise transformative potential for businesses, they also introduce novel security threats that organisations cannot afford to overlook.

The growing threat landscape

Threat actors are constantly innovating, seeking new avenues to exploit emerging technologies for nefarious purposes. One such avenue is the utilisation of AI chatbots, particularly ChatGPT, for malicious activities. These actors leverage chatbots to orchestrate a wide range of attacks, from low-sophistication endeavours to highly sophisticated cybercrimes.

Low-sophistication attacks

One alarming trend is the increasing frequency and sophistication of attacks facilitated by chatbots like ChatGPT. Threat actors are tapping into these AI capabilities to automate tasks such as code writing, phishing email creation, and even the development of malware.

Using ChatGPT, threat actors can craft convincing phishing emails, often surpassing the telltale signs of traditional scams. These emails may include malicious attachments or links leading to fake landing pages designed to harvest sensitive information from unsuspecting victims.

Furthermore, researchers have highlighted the risk of ChatGPT being employed to create polymorphic malware. This advanced form of malware mutates, making it exceptionally challenging to detect and mitigate, thereby amplifying the potential damage it can inflict.


Phishing remains a prevalent threat vector for cybercriminals seeking unauthorised access to sensitive data. As mentioned above, by harnessing the language generation capabilities of AI chatbots, threat actors can craft sophisticated phishing emails that are indistinguishable from legitimate communications. These emails often employ social engineering tactics to manipulate recipients into divulging confidential information or executing malicious actions.

Moreover, AI chatbots enable threat actors to generate scam-like messages, enticing recipients with false promises of prizes or rewards. These deceptive tactics increase the likelihood of unsuspecting individuals falling victim to phishing scams.

Chatbots and disinformation

The proliferation of disinformation poses a significant challenge in the digital age. AI chatbots, including ChatGPT, have the potential to exacerbate this issue by generating and disseminating false information at scale. Malicious actors can leverage chatbots to fabricate misleading narratives, manipulate public opinion, and sow discord in online communities.

Furthermore, chatbots lack mechanisms to verify the accuracy of the information they generate, allowing malicious actors to exploit this vulnerability to propagate falsehoods. This presents a grave concern, particularly in the context of nation-state propaganda, radical ideologies, and online manipulation campaigns.

Expanding arsenal of malicious activity

Beyond phishing and disinformation campaigns, AI chatbots open doors to a myriad of malicious activities. Threat actors can leverage these tools to develop sophisticated malware, orchestrate business email compromise (BEC) scams, facilitate social engineering attacks, and perpetrate various forms of cybercrime;

  • Creating tools and guidance

ChatGPT can be used to develop encryption tools, dark web marketplace scripts, and other malicious software components. This enables threat actors to streamline the process of crafting sophisticated cyber weapons, amplifying the scale and impact of their operations.

  • Crime-as-a-service and spam

AI chatbots can expedite the creation of malware, spam messages, and other malicious content, empowering cybercriminals to offer crime-as-a-service solutions and disrupt communication networks on a massive scale.

  • Social engineering

Social engineering attacks rely on psychological manipulation to deceive individuals into disclosing confidential information or performing actions against their best interests. ChatGPT's advanced language generation capabilities make it an ideal tool for crafting convincing narratives and personas, facilitating the perpetration of social engineering schemes.

  • Business email compromise (BEC)

In BEC scams, threat actors impersonate legitimate entities to deceive employees into transferring funds or sensitive information. By leveraging ChatGPT to generate customised email content, cybercriminals can enhance the effectiveness of their BEC campaigns, increasing the likelihood of successful infiltration and financial exploitation.

Defending against chatbot threats

As the threat landscape continues to evolve, organisations must adopt proactive measures to safeguard against chatbot-driven malicious activities. Here are some key strategies:

1. Educate employees: Provide comprehensive training to employees on cybersecurity best practices, including how to recognise and respond to phishing attempts and other forms of social engineering.

2. Implement AI security solutions: Deploy AI-powered security solutions capable of detecting and mitigating chatbot-driven threats in real-time. These solutions leverage machine learning algorithms to analyse patterns, identify anomalies, and thwart malicious activities.

3. Strengthen authentication mechanisms: Implement multi-factor authentication (MFA) and robust access controls to prevent unauthorised access to sensitive systems and data.

4. Monitor network traffic: Utilise network monitoring tools to detect suspicious activities and anomalies indicative of chatbot-driven attacks. Promptly investigate and respond to any potential security incidents.

5. Stay informed and vigilant: Stay abreast of emerging threats and security trends in the AI landscape. Regularly update security protocols and collaborate with industry peers and cybersecurity experts to exchange insights and best practices.

By adopting a proactive approach to cybersecurity and leveraging advanced technologies, organisations can effectively mitigate the risks posed by chatbot-driven malicious activities and safeguard their digital assets and reputation.


While AI chatbots offer immense potential for innovation and productivity, they also introduce new challenges and vulnerabilities. As threat actors continue to exploit these technologies for malicious purposes, organisations must remain vigilant and proactive in defending against chatbot-driven threats.

For comprehensive cybersecurity services in Singapore, consider partnering with Group8. From penetration testing services to tailored security solutions, Group8 offers expertise and support to safeguard your business against evolving threats. Contact us today at hello@group8.co to fortify your defences and secure your digital assets.