Cybersecurity Awareness Month: 4 Must-Have Security Measures

21 October 2021

Did you know that October marks Cybersecurity Awareness Month? While it may not specifically be a reason to celebrate, this month reminds us of the need to revisit our cybersecurity measures. Especially with the shift to remote workspaces, are you doing enough to keep your digital assets secure? Here’s a list of the latest cybersecurity solutions to employ – if you haven’t already done so yourself!

1. Effective end-user training

During the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, cybersecurity experts have noticed an increase in the volume of ransomware attacks globally. In the past few months alone, there is a 50% increase in ransomware attacks worldwide, and this percentage is expected to grow. With an unchecked increase in cybersecurity threats, the one thing you can control is how to prevent or respond should an attack occur.

The best option to protect your organisation against ransomware attacks is effective end-user training. End-user training will teach you the best security practices to secure your computers, servers, and networks against suspicious links or websites.

End-user training is especially essential when your company adopts a major software change or migrates your assets to a cloud system. To implement such changes smoothly, it’s best for your team to boost their technological literacy skills. Through comprehensive end-user training, your staff will feel more confident navigating the new software or system.

2. Utilise stronger passwords

While most logins require alphanumeric passwords, it can be tempting to apply a simple password for convenience if the platform does not require one. However, having a weak password is one of the easiest ways to be victimised online.

It is crucial for passwords to be long, random, and unique. Your password needs to have at least 15 characters for it to be safe from various password-cracking software. When creating passwords, be sure to avoid using personal details that are easily guessed. Moreover, do not recycle passwords across multiple accounts – this move helps to minimise the damage in case one of your passwords is compromised.

While complex passwords can be challenging to memorise, they are one of your best materials against security threats. What’s more, to help you remember them, there are now several in-browser options to autofill your saved passwords.

3. Use 2FA as much as possible

If your password happens to get compromised, the second layer of protection will go a long way towards securing your account. 2FA or two-factor authentication requires a user to enter the second form of verification code before gaining access to the account.

This second verification can be provided in various forms. It can be a fingerprint, generated code sent to your mobile, or a physical security key. However, if possible, avoid using generated codes as there is a possibility that cybercriminals can access these codes (when taking over your mobile number).

4. Tighten your IT infrastructure with VAPT

Most cybercriminals take advantage of the vulnerabilities in an organisation’s IT infrastructure to launch their attack. Hence, by leaving these vulnerabilities unresolved, you offer hackers the opportunity to exploit and bring about severe financial and reputation losses.

For an extensive check on your systems, vulnerability assessment and penetration testing in Singapore are usually used in tandem. Vulnerability assessment essentially performs a scan on your IT systems and networks and produces a prioritised list of your security vulnerabilities. It is highly recommended that organisations perform a vulnerability assessment on their IT infrastructure at least three times a year.

On the other hand, penetration testing uses a more invasive approach in managing your security weaknesses. Here, penetration testers exploit your identified vulnerabilities in an attempt to gain access to assets. In essence, penetration testing simulates a real cyber-attack to determine the robustness of your IT infrastructure.


With that, let this be the time to check on your security posture – you would not want to let it affect your business growth. If you find that you need a hand in screening your systems, feel free to drop us a note at today. At GROUP8, we offer CREST-certified penetration testing that ensures your IT networks are assessed according to international standards.